Following the arrests of two Connecticut educators in October 2021, and the investigation of a third for alleged misconduct, “[a] leader of the Connecticut General Assembly’s Committee on Children says ‘not nearly enough’ is being done by lawmakers and state regulators to prevent and respond to the abuse of children, following a recent series of allegations involving educators and coaches.” /1/

We agree with Rep. Liz Linehan (D-Cheshire) when she said that the state “can prevent [assaults by educators against students] by doing background checks, and I think that’s going to weed out some, but it’s certainly not going to weed out all.” /2/.  Background checks can be a critical first line of defense in protecting children in schools and the public at large.

/1/ John Moritz, Arrests of Conn. teachers, youth coaches prompt calls for action, The New Milford Spectrum, Nov. 5, 2021.

/2/ Id.