A Survey of Emerging Trends & Issues in Consumer Reporting
March 3, 2022 @ 2pm ET
What are the most hot-button issues facing the consumer reporting industry today? Join CDIA for A Survey of Emerging Trends & Issues in Consumer Reporting for a discussion of some of the complex emerging issues affecting the consumer reporting industry right now. Maneesha Mithal, international privacy expert, having led the Federal Trade Commision’s Division of Privacy and Identity Protection will join John Ulzheimer, a credit reporting expert and founder of the Ulzheimer Group and founder of CreditExpertWitness.com, for this live webinar on March 3, 2022. This event includes a live Q&A session moderated by Eric J. Ellman, Senior Vice President of Public Policy and Legal Affairs at CDIA.
Our distinguished speakers will survey a variety of issues including the new FTC and CFPB, the impact of Buy Now, Pay Later on consumers and credit reporting, the pros and cons of cashflow decisioning, COVID-19 credit reporting, and more.