The 2022 Elections and its Impact on the Consumer Reporting Ecosystem
Nov. 10, 2022 @ 12:30 pm ET
The 2022 elections are just a few weeks away. One-third of the U.S. Senate is up for election, all members of the U.S. House. Control of both houses of Congress, and the agendas in those houses, are up for grabs. In addition, most gubernatorial seats are up for grabs, most attorneys general offices, and thousands of state legislators. In many cases, control of state legislatures is also in play.
Members of the consumer reporting ecosystem can expect to see significant shifts throughout the industry with new elected officials influence legislation over privacy, data security and more. Companies across the ecosystem should plan for different outcomes that could happen on Election Day and after. With the stakes so high for all of us, getting ready for 2022, no matter who is in charge, is critical for all of us.
Join speakers, Geoff Gray, Founder, Gray Company, Heather McHugh, Founder, Resolution Public Affairs, and CDIA’s Sarah Ohs, Director of Government Relations, and Eric Ellman, Senior Vice President of Public Policy & Legal Affairs, to discuss the post-election landscape and provide an early assessment of the election’s impact on the consumer reporting ecosystem.