Artificial intelligence may be the buzzphrase replacing blockchain in the policy and media world. There is a lot of attention being paid by the media and policymakers to how businesses use AI and machine learning to serve consumers.
We learned today from a Davis, Wright and Tremaine blog that federal guidelines are forthcoming on the use of AI. the post observes that
“In a highly orchestrated policy announcement made at the 2020 CES show, the Trump Administration released a draft framework and set of principles for governance of AI technology and applications in the U.S.
“Specifically, the OMB released a memorandum to all federal agencies and executive offices, the “Guidance for Regulation of Artificial Intelligence Applications” (AI Guidelines), a detailed policy document articulating the Administration’s regulatory and non-regulatory approach to the many forms of emerging artificial intelligence (AI) technology and applications in society today. The Administration is inviting public comment on the AI Guidelines for a period of sixty days which will conclude on March 13.
“According to the Administration’s AI policy lead, Chief Technology Officer Michael Kratsios, the AI Guidelines are intended to achieve three overarching policy goals:
- Encourage public engagement in the AI discussion
- Promote a “light-touch” AI regulatory approach
- Promote the adoption and development of trustworthy AI
“The guidelines reflect a National AI strategy based on a philosophy of regulatory restraint, as mandated by President Trump’s Executive Order 13859. Indeed, the AI Guidelines call for federal agencies to consider a regulatory approach that fosters ‘innovation, growth, and engenders trust, while protecting core American values’ through both regulatory and non-regulatory actions and ‘reducing unnecessary barriers to the development and deployment of AI.’ To that end, the AI Guidelines directs federal agencies to “avoid regulatory and non-regulatory actions that needlessly hamper AI innovation and growth.”
Eric J. Ellman is Senior Vice President for Public Policy and Legal Affairs at the Consumer Data Industry Association (CDIA) in Washington, DC. He also served for eight months as Interim President and CEO of the Association. More