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We are excited to announce the programme for the 2022 World Consumer Credit Reporting Conference being held at the Hotel Sofia in Barcelona from September 18 – 20, 2022. Our theme for the conference will be:

The New Dynamics Driving Change in the Credit Industry –

Opportunities and Challenges for Credit Reporting

To understand the New Dynamics, the conference programme will explore:

·    The impact of the pandemic and geo-political forces on the credit industry in the last four years.

·    How has the credit reporting industry responded to the changing dynamics that we have seen in the last four years and will see in the future?

·    How new analytical and scoring techniques and new technologies are being used to make effective risk decisions.

·    How do credit reporting systems respond to the new dynamics?

·    How can credit reporting facilitate access to data for the public good?

·    The changing regulatory oversight landscape.

·    Cybersecurity in the digital age.

·    How will fraud evolve in an increasingly digital world and how does identity management need to change to keep ahead of the fraudsters?

More information on the programme and the topics can be found here.

Secure your place at the conference to hear senior leaders from the credit and credit reporting industries discuss these key topics. Take advantage of reduced ‘early bird’ delegate pricing (which finishes on Thursday, 30 April 2022) by clicking here.

We are currently working on identifying speakers to participate in the various sessions so keep an eye on the conference website for updates.

Should you have any suggestions of potential speakers, please do let us know by contacting Neil Munroe, Conference Director at

We look forward to seeing you in Barcelona in September and your participation in the discussions on these key industry topics.

Neil Munroe

Conference Director

On behalf of the 2022 WCCRC Organizing Committee