Eric Ellman, Author at CDIA
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By: Eric Ellman

Background checks are important tools for verifying information about an individual from public records and other resources. Potential employers and landlords…

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In November 2023, the Inspector General (IG) of the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation (PBGC) issued a Management Alert for Deceased Participants…

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An OpEd in the Wall Street Journal recently highlighted the power of data to stop terrorist attacks. That’s good. But, legislative…

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How does a police department locate a “dangerous sexual predator using only the perpetrator’s first name and a street name the…

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Millions of otherwise eligible Medicaid consumers are at risk of being disenrolled only because there is no good way for the…

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Colorado has had a difficult time managing unemployment insurance fraud against the government and its residents. First, the state was overrun…

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Fraud against the government is staggering. This fraud expanded to astronomically, mind-boggling proportions during the COVID-19 pandemic. In this period, federal,…

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Criminal background checks, which CDIA members conduct, help keep people and property safe where they live and work. Employers, landlords, nonprofits,…

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The U.S. Supreme Court will likely settle a circuit split over whether the civil-liability provisions of the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA)…

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In another victory for the CFPB and its burgeoning, but still limited, takedowns of credit repair outfits, the CFPB announced that…

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