Join us April 27, 2022 for the Metro 2® Webinar: Accounts Included in Bankruptcy Chapter 13. The webinar includes detailed reporting guidelines for accounts included in bankruptcy chapter 13 and case examples to further learning.
This webinar was developed in collaboration with Debbie Seneway, a recognized leader in Metro 2® Format reporting, and the Metro 2® Format Task Force which includes experienced representatives from Equifax, Experian, Innovis, and TransUnion and updated to the 2021 CRRG®.
For a full list of discussion topics covered, please visit the CDIA website.
The reporting of accurate data is an essential obligation of data furnishers under the Fair Credit Reporting Act. Secure your seat today and strengthen your understanding of reporting guidance for accounts included in bankruptcy chapter 13.
New Webinar Available!
Looking to continue learning? You can also purchase our new Metro 2® Advanced Webinar: Accounts Included in Bankruptcy Ch. 13. In this advanced webinar, members of the Metro 2® Task Force will discuss the simplified guidelines for reporting an account included in bankruptcy Chapter 13 for both a Filer and Non-Filer. In addition, attendees will be guided through a scenario representing the life cycle of the bankruptcy from petition through resolution and beyond.